In Pennsylvania, property division involves various considerations, including professional credentials, retirement accounts, injury settlements, marital debts, and more.
1. Professional Licenses or Degrees
- Licenses or degrees are not classified as marital property.
- Courts may grant reimbursement if one spouse financially contributed to the other’s education or career advancement, provided they can substantiate those expenses.
2. Pension Benefits
- Pensions accumulated during the marriage, including 401(k) plans or profit-sharing, are marital property and subject to division, regardless of whether the non-employee spouse contributed.
3. Personal Injury Proceeds
- If the cause of action for personal injury occurs between the marriage’s start and final separation, the proceeds are treated as marital property.
4. Marital Debts
- Debts incurred during the marriage are generally deemed marital debt.
- Courts examine:
- The purpose of the debt
- Who incurred it
- Who benefited
- Which party is better positioned to repay
5. Goodwill
- The reputation and customer base of a professional practice or business are considered marital property if a monetary value can be assigned.
6. Future Interest
- Potential future property interests are not eligible for distribution during a divorce.
7. Tax Implications
- Property transfers as part of equitable distribution are not taxed during the transfer. However, taxation applies when the asset is sold.
8. Alimony vs. Property Division
- Property division reflects past contributions, while alimony focuses on future financial needs.
Expert Legal Assistance
For comprehensive legal guidance, Divorce Lawyer R. Badet offers specialized services covering property division, spousal support, child custody, and other aspects of divorce. With extensive experience, R. Badet ensures the best possible outcomes for clients. Visit or call (267) 277-2641 for a free consultation.