Philadelphia Divorce Lawyer
Do you wish to put an end to your marriage in Philadelphia? A simple way to get it done is to file for a divorce in the Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas. The Philadelphia divorce court is located at 1501 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19102. The court is always open throughout the official working days, from 8:30 am to 4:15 pm daily.
Philadelphia divorce can either be uncontested or contested. A divorce that is uncontested means both spouses have mutual agreement as regards issuing a legaldissolution of their marriage. Court does not really play a much role in uncontested divorce. It is only required of the court to provide orderabout what both parties earlier agreed to.As such, uncontested divorce is relatively cheaper and can be completed quicker.
On the other hand, contested divorce is that which both parties do not reach a mutual agreement as regards dissolving their marriage in which the court must intervene so that both spouses can reach an agreement. As a requirement in the contested divorce process, spouses are required to engage themselves in a non-binding mediation. Mediation involves the intervention of a neutral third party in an attempt to help the spouses resolve the issue between them. If communication goes well, it might result in closing of the divorce case.
As an addition to contested and uncontested divorce in Philadelphia, a divorce can be at-fault or no-fault. Anat-fault divorce is one which a spouse accuse the other spouse of committing offences such as adultery, abuse, abandonment etc., which are against the agreement of their marriage. Some states don’t listen to at-fault divorce.
Divorce proceeding in Philadelphia requires that court terminates marriage, and figure out what should be the rights and responsibilities of the divorcing partiesas regards child custody, child visitation, child support and spousal support (alimony).Court would also be required to split the martial assets of the couple accordingly.
Division of property in Philadelphia divorce can be so easy, and at the same time it can be quite complex. Misunderstanding, and even fight often prompt up in this phase of a divorce when both parties don’t want to agree to how properties would be shared.
Seeking the help of an experienced and competent divorce lawyer in Philadelphia can eliminate the stress associated with divorce case filing, and it can also help you make the right decision. A good divorce lawyer is one who knows it all when it comes to divorce case filing. If the spouses agree to alternative dispute resolution (ADR), such as arbitration or mediation,seeking the help of an experienced divorce mediation lawyer could be the best option.
Divorce lawyersare also trained to take care of child custody issues. A quite number of divorce lawyers in Philadelphia have been approved as being family law specialists. For this to be done, the lawyer must have meet some certain criteria.
If you’ve reached an agreement with your spouse to end your marriage, or get a divorce petition from your spouse, seeking consultation from a local divorce attorney is very important to know all the things associated with divorce. This competent family law attorney would be discuss with you about the issue on ground and let you know your best available option.
It is possible you’re able to reach a divorce case agreement with your spouse as regards rights and responsibility. However, the place of divorce lawyer consultation cannot be taken away. In searching for a lawyer, it is important that you choose an experienced divorce attorneywho can handle all your issues. Go for a lawyer who has proven track record of handling divorce cases in the past.
On an end note, seek the help of an attorney who would always stand by you throughout the trial, and always want to help you make the best divorce decisions.

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